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How do you keep yourself occupied?

So I lost my job yesterday. Not a pleasant day, but it's also not the first time a garden center has run out of work and looked for someone to cut.

So when bad things (or just okay things) happen in your life, how do you deal with it? What do you do to keep yourself occupied or upbeat?

What usually keeps me going is crafting. I craft when I'm happy, or sad, or feeling like I need some direction. It's my go-to activity, and I always wind up feeling better and a little bit more accomplished.

Last night and this morning I worked on a silly little project that I picked up from my night job (a major arts and crafts chain).

It's actually an American Girl kit to make a felt owl cell phone case. Nothing complicated, but it's fun and colorful and a little bit frivolous. It didn't take me very long to make- I finished most of it this morning while I was watching So You Think You Can Dance!

So here she is in all her owl-rific glory. Pretty cute, right? There's even a little pocket on the back, but to be honest, I'm not sure what I could fit in it!

So give me some help folks- what works for you when you need to keep yourself busy or lift up your spirits? Depending on how long it takes me to find a job, I might need some new ideas.

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