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Big Changes!

Its been the land of changes around here lately- The Boy and I got married and then bought a house! I suppose I should probably stop referring to him as "The Boy" but it's just so much fun. Maybe a new nickname is in order...

With all of the upheaval around here, I have barely had time to make any crafts, and even less time to blog about them! But hopefully that will change soon. We are heading into the late fall here, and with the cooler weather comes less time working at the farm for me. As much as I love my job (and I really do LOVE it), my body will be glad for the respite. It's tough work taking care of all of those veggies!

I'm hoping that in the coming months, I will be able to complete some of the projects that I have going on, and start some new ones that have been vying for brainspace lately. There are a couple of new ideas bouncing around in my head that I really want to start, but there are too many unfinished pieces yet.

And, in mostly unrelated news, but still in keeping with the changes theme, I got a haircut!

See y'all again soon!

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