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Here Goes Nothing!

So the fiance and I have taken up running. This was not my idea, but I'm going along with it mostly for his sake (and maybe just a teensy bit for myself as well). And when I say "taken up running", I mean that the past two mornings, we've gone to the gym at his apartment complex and jogged on the ellipticals for 30 minutes. Who-hoo!

I used to be a runner. In high school I was on the indoor and outdoor track teams, and (very briefly) the cross-country team as well. During this time, I was also taking weekly Irish Dancing lessons, so I was a pretty fit teenager! I wasn't super great at any one thing, but I was pretty decent at all of it, and it kept me moving and active, and I had such a fun time doing it all.

Ummm, and this. I also did a lot of this. What can I say? I was a busy girl!

As soon as college hit, though, it was all over. No more crazy track and dance coaches telling me what to do = no more exercising. I would occasionally go to the campus gym with my friends and do a workout, but it was never anything regular. The most regular gym time was spent in the yoga class I took one semester, and then the Zumba class I took one winter after graduating. Obviously, I needed guidance or nothing would get done.

I was talking about this dilemma at my book club meeting the other night. Most of the women in the group work out regularly; they go running every morning, or take long bike rides, or do some weight training. I am so envious of their commitment to it! I have videos and games that I bought to try and keep myself active, especially after my Zumba class ended, but I hardly ever break them out. I asked the ladies how they keep going and do their exercising every day, and they basically told me... they just do. To them, it's a part of their daily lives now. One of them told me her morning doesn't really start until she is on that treadmill with her cup of coffee. As book club was breaking up that night and we were all saying our goodbyes, she looked at me and said, "And for God's sake, just work out!"

So I guess I am trying to take that advice. I'm just gonna do it, no matter how much my brain is whining at me to go back to bed and snuggle with the cats for a few more hours. Hopefully after a little while it won't be so hard to get up and drive to the fiance's place for our morning run... hopefully.

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